for women
Commonsense diet, beauty and wardrobe advice for every woman.

For women in their 50s, 60s and beyond
Focusing on your myriad of perceived imperfections is pointless. Menopause might have left you with a bit more weight than you've ever had, but accepting the change doesn't mean you can't be your best self. What you fuel your body with should be what works for your body type especially given hormonal fluctuations. Make sure you have regular check ups to see what's going on under your bonnet, heart health, cholesterol, thyroid, the lot! Exercise now is more about strength for life, I'm lifting weights to gain more muscle I'm sure this is key to ageing well into our 60s, 70s and beyond
BEAUTY IS AN ILLUSION, it's confidence people find attractive
Personally, my beauty routine is simple but effective, I'm all about glowing healthy luminous skin. I've grown out my grey too, if you thought about it in your forties but didn't, then now might be the time. No chemicals, no grey roots (they made me feel old) and quite a saving to put towards something more worthwhile.
Many women talk of feeling invisible once they've reached their fifties, I think it should be a liberation. It's everything to understand that you just shouldn't worry about other people's opinions of you and how you look.
It is not a time to go softly softly accepting feeling old, so do what you need to, to feel great about yourself. We have decades ahead, so we owe it to ourselves to be a shining example to our sisters and daughters we are far from done.
Just because you're over 50 doesn't mean you should dress like your great Aunt Mary. It's a time to reaffirm your well-honed personal style, just keep it cool, effortless! By now your wardrobe should be condensed with key pieces that work back to a beautiful capsule, you can add to this as seasons' and trends change, but essential you pare back as you add.
Helena Christensen was once shamed by ex British Vogue editor Alexandra Schulman for wearing a lace bustier with jeans to Gigi Hadids birthday party. Strangely Schulman ripped her to pieces and threw the rest of womankind under the bus for good measure.
It’s clear to me, Christensen carried off the look beautifully, paring her bustier with wide leg jeans and a simple flat sandal. Her ‘look' for the eve was perfect for her and for the occasion, and spoke to her own personal style.
I think it's essential to note Schulman now writes for a publication who depends on ‘click bait' to draw readers to its pages, undoubtedly the article did exactly that!
The comparison she draws of older men and women not being equal seems sensational and outmoded in it's thinking.
Of course Women can be and are still sexy after 50; personally, I've always maintained showing less just means not revealing everything all at once (which is exactly what Helena has done here).
The old rule, legs or breasts, never both, has always worked, sexy is more of a suggestion than a promise, it's what you don't show that commands attention, especially when worn with the confidence exuded as mature women.
For women in their 40s
So you hit your forties, and your metabolism starts to slow a little. Peri-Menopause will be creeping around the corner, and hormonal changes might make you feel a little out of sorts. This is the time to lay off the comfort food. Listen to your body, more leafy greens, less animal protein and keep to the good carbs. You know you; you're familiar with your body and its strength and weaknesses so give it what it needs not necessarily what it wants. Yes, you might not be as busy with young children and work, but it shouldn't mean wine every day and long lunches. Just moderate what you take in, exercise is really going to help you sail through menopause as well. If the body is a little worn and running doesn't do it for you, try the pool, yoga, Pilates, meditation and practice some mindfulness.
DON'T OBSESSES over who you were
A time for self-acceptance, if you didn't make room for that mini overhaul in your late thirties then now is the time. Consult an expert, visit a beautician or chat with a makeup artist about your skin and makeup routine, does it all need an overhaul? Do you want to think about embracing your greys if you are still dyeing your hair? Your mid to late forties are all a great time to reset and refresh how you look, hair, skin and makeup.
Purge half your wardrobe, let go the things you've been hanging on to for a few decades. Such things are only taking up space not just physically but emotionally. If something hasn't seen the light of day in over a year, then it's time to GO! Consult a stylist if you're unsure how to go about this, it'll be liberating!
For women in their 30s
Find the BALANCE
Women tend to put themselves last (or, is that everybody else first?) either way it's easy to fall into bad dietary habits in your thirties. It's a busy time, children, family and work can all impact on that carefully developed routine.
Your thirties should be about balance, paying attention here will save you from weight woes in your forties. Don't put yourself last, starving yourself all day only to binge on leftover pasta at 9pm with too much wine isn't healthy. Show a little self-care and don't be afraid to ask for help if you can. Home delivery recipe boxes can be an absolute lifesaver, you can involve your partner and kids in helping prep, learning new recipes along the way will be great for everyone.
FEEL GOOD about yourself
Try and find that ‘me' time to connect with a really reputable beautician who can help you sort out any skin issues like Poikiloderma or Melasma before you get to your forties. The trick here is to add in some more powerful skincare, something that goes a little deeper into the dermis. Don't be afraid to consult someone about that little frown line or a breast lift after your kids either. I can't stress enough; this may be the moment you just can't spare the time for yourself, but it's vital to do so to feel good about yourself.
STREAMLINE your look
So while your twenties were about experimentation and development, your thirties should be all about streamlining what you know works for you. You're busy, you're the queen of multitasking, so there just isn't enough time to second guess yourself.
It's a great time to photograph your looks print them off and stick them on the inside of your wardrobe. Believe me when you're pushed for time and panicked about 'what to wear' this will be an absolute boon.
For women in their 20s
DON'T COMPARE yourself to other body types
Every physiology is different so, I would say understanding your body type from the get-go is vital to understanding what to feed it.
Some women can seemingly eat anything they want, while others tend to gain weight rapidly if they eat the wrong foods for their type.
Your twenties are the perfect time to investigate, consult a dietician about garnering a better understanding of your body and what to fuel it with.
It'd be remiss of me not to mention exercise, balance what you put in your stomach with the right amount of activity; after all, life is all about balance right?
Just do you, be smart, apply common sense, we're all unique. Understand your body and feed it what it needs to be healthy and strong, it will truly set you up for the rest of your life.
SUNSCREEN cannot be overrated
Yes, I know everyone loves a tan, but the damage you do in your teens and twenties will show in your thirties and forties and beyond.
Drink plenty of water!! No topical cream hydrates you like water.
You might be surprised to know that expensive skincare isn't necessarily better, be smart about what you spend money on.
I know many young women are concerned about ageing, no wonder you're bombarded by the message we should be defying age. I would say try not to buy into the advertising rhetoric, the more you strive for perfection, the less happy you will be. Remember there's a strong possibility no amount of changing the outside will make you feel more content on the inside.
Of course, if you inherited your father's incredible Roman nose or your Uncle Toms ears its a no brainer to redress, but going down the slippery slope of too much Botox or injectables in your twenties can and probably will make you look quite strange by the time your forty.
EXPERIMENT to find your style
Your twenties should be about finding your personal style, it's a time to throw caution to the wind and experiment! So much inspiration out there so don't be afraid of honing your own unique look.